
Struggling with S.F.

Ok, I admit it. I seem to be struggling with San Francisco. Every day I try to be optimistic and face this city with a smile, but sometimes it just seems to beat that smile right off my face and kick me in the butt all the way back to the loft. However, I keep trying.

I am an eternal optimist, and it is my theory that for the most part a person can be happy no matter where they live. S.F. is really putting my theory to the test. On the one hand, this city has been really good to me. My boyfriend and I have good jobs, we have a great loft, our neighbors are becoming our friends, and our friend circle is slowly growing. I am doing Bikram Yoga and experiencing many different types of food. Actually, it is pretty good.

On the other hand, there is no parking, it is overcrowded, very little green space, and the ride to work is really beginning to weigh on me. Actually, I think it is the commute that is the main problem. In the morning, I can go 28 miles in 40 minutes, but at night that same distance can take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half in stop and go traffic. Sometimes I wait for 20 minutes to get into the Caldecott Tunnel, and then another 30 minutes to pay the toll at the Bay Bridge. Somehow, I need to learn to relax when cars are backed up and I'm in stop and go traffic. Maybe more podcasts or old radio shows.

San Francisco is stunningly beautiful with the beach and the bay. The weather has been great, and I'm really loving the diversity. When I put it down on paper, there are more pluses than minuses. San Francisco has been really good to us so far, and I think I just need to relax and get into the groove more.

Even though the commute is kicking my butt, I do love my new job. It is just great to have a job in this economy. I work with wonderful people who encourage me to be creative, and I feel like I'm making a difference. In addition, the budget is finally balanced again.

Ok, I'm done whining. I know that in time I will figure it out, but it is definitely a challenge. A year from now I will probably be writing a post about how much I adore San Francisco.