Me in San Francisco with the Bay Bridge in the background. Yep, we are moving to San Francisco. I hate to leave Portland, but I will have a whole new city to explore and blog about.
I scoured the Internet and put together the following list of interesting things to do in Portland this weekend.
Events: Friday, July 10
4p – 6p Beer & Blog -PDX Green Dragon
6p - 7pWhat the Sh*t -PDX Green Dragon. Experience the poetry of Twitter. Rules of What the Sh*t: *Readers will sign up at Beer and Blog fifteen minutes prior to start time and readers will read in order of signing up. *What the Sh*t will last for 40 minutes. *Each reader reads a maximum of six tweets in his/her best dramatic tone and/or poetry voice. *All emoticons must be spelled out. LOL can be pronounced. *Hashtags are to be read, hashtag: [text]. *The author of the post must be credited. *All posts are fair game. *Repeats of tweets are fine and, in certain cases, encouraged. *Be mindful of the narrative arc of your reading. *If one of your tweets is read, this is a compliment. Remember, there's no crying in Twitter dramatic readings. Chest beating and keening are okay. *You must have an active Twitter presence to take part in What the Sh*t.
8pThe Producers, (Opening Weekend), Lakewood Theatre Company, 368 S. State Street, Lake Oswego, 503-635-3901
9p Half Shark, Half Jesus -Red Room, 2530 NE 82nd Ave. (Indie Rock Band from Eugene, OR)
9pMarie Black – The Hawthorne Theatre - $3.00 (Folk rock singer in Portland)
Events: Saturday, July 11th
9a – 6pElectric Vehicle Day @ Pioneer Square. The Oregon Electric Vehicle Association will return to the Square this year to educate the public about the benefits of electric vehicles. A variety of electric and hybrid vehicles will be on display during this event.
9aPortlandExpoCenter. The Portland Expo Antique & Collectible Show with more than 1400 booths filled with everything from estate jewelry, vintage toys, furniture from early American oak to European, Americana, china, etc.
10a – 9pMississippi Ave. Street Fair. Interesting arts & crafts vendors plus community service displays, & food vendors.Tupello Alley Reusable Art Fair& Water features, bingo, sustainability fair at the Mississippi Ave. Lofts (4138 N. Miss Ave.), salted ice cream outside at The Meadow (3731 N. Mississippi Ave.) and rose wine tasting at The Meadow.Organized by
10aGuided Nature Tours, Tyron Creek State Park. Join a park naturalist for a free, guided nature hike to explore the forestand stream ecosystems and natural history at the park.
10aGuided Nature Walk, Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge, Sherwood. Join a volunteer naturalist for an easy paced nature stroll.
11aAlcohol-based Fuel at home, Powell’s City of Books, Bright Neighbor University: Tom Dywer and Randy White. Join Tom Dwyer and Randy White as they discuss sustainable fueling and offer techniques for producing alcohol-based fuel at home. This event is part of a series co-sponsored by Bright Neighbor, a Portland-basedorganization dedicated to local living and neighborhood building.
6p – 9pSummer Music on the pond at St. Josef’s Winery, Canby, OR. Jawbone Flats -NW Roots Rock.“Funk meets Flannel.”$5.00
8pThe Producers (Opening Weekend). Lakewood Theatre Company, 368 S. State Street, Lake Oswego, 503-635-3901
9p Half Shark, Half Jesus -Red Room, 2530 NE 82nd Ave. (Indie Rock Band from Eugene, OR)
9pPterodactyl -East End, 203 SE Grand Ave. Pterodactyl fuses clear, melodic vocals -- sometimes in three-part harmony - to repetitive punky riffs and drum-god splatter.$5 - $10
9p – 12pThe Night Ride, Union Station, 800 NW 6th Avenue. The Night Ride is a fantastically fun (and easy!) 15-mile bicycle ride. The route, starting and ending at the Portland train station, features fire dancers, an outdoor screening of movies from the wildly popular Filmed by Bike festival, a disco party rest stop, mysteries at every turn and well-marked routes with glowing signs. The Last Regiment of Syncopated Drummers kicks off the ride, and Zimba Marimba brings it to a close at the finish line ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT DOUGHNUT FEAST!There are prizes for the best costumes and decorated bikes.All 3,000 riders will receive free glow necklaces to ward off vampires along the way.This great event is a benefit for the Bicycle Transportation Alliance. $25.00 in store,$30.00 online, $40.00 day of ride
Events: Sunday, July 12th
2pThe Producers (Opening Weekend). Lakewood Theatre Company, 368 S. State Street, Lake Oswego, 503-635-3901
2pTour of Magness Memorial Tree Farm, WorldForestryCenter, 4033 SW Canyon Road. Join our staff and volunteers for a fun and informative tour of the Magness Property. You'll learn the history of Magness, some tree identification, as well as why sustainable forestry is so important. No reservations are necessary. We go rain or shine. Wear comfortable shoes and meet in the parking lot. Allow 90 minutes.
7pThe Producers (Opening Weekend). Lakewood Theatre Company, 368 S. State Street, Lake Oswego, 503-635-3901
7p Diabolical Experiments, Brody Theater, 16 NW Broadway. Features an improv jam with Brody Theater veterans and special guest performers from other groups. $5.00
8pAmy Blue – The Hawthorne Theatre. An acoustic, alternative singer
9pHalf Shark Half Jesus – Red Room. Indie rock band